About Us

The group was originally establish in 1997 but was only officially registered on 15 April 2010 with our unique entity number T10SS0081C.

Our registered office is 218E Changi Road #03-04, PKMS Building, Singapore 419717.


To see our members succeed in life. Not just begging but the same fight and compete to achieve their goals.

President, KCMS

Be A Volunteer

KCMS would like to invite you to be our volunteer. All you have to do is click on the icon and send to us your name and contact number. We will contact you the soonest. You can volunteer in our functions or during distribution of items to our members or just providing some simple assistance to our members.

How To Donate

We accept all form of donation, including used wheelchair or any medical equipment and healthcare items. We do accept fidiah and zakat for our religious class and the needy.